Player's Club

Rundown of the weekend (a pretty damn good one)
Friday: Went up to Chamber's house and on to a party at Emily's (after Chambers worked until 11pm). Everyone there was pretty drunk when we got there, and they were mostly girls so it was kind of loud and obnoxious. We tried to play asshole but only got through two games before everyone quit. Dana came up and met us there. We went back to Ryan's and played some poker. We also decided it was a good idea to start dipping into the liquor. I think we were drinking Bacardi and Ginger Ale, which was actually really good. Anyway, Dana goes from saying she's not feeling anything to the next minute she's slurring and can't even deal the cards. She went to bed but I was still awake so I decided to take a shot before crashing. I took a shot of J&B (scotch?) and immediately my stomach started revolting. I tried to fight it. I mean it was a valiant effort but I ended up puking for the first time in like five years. Thats when I knew it was time to go to bed. That was at about 5am.
Saturday: Todd calls at 8:20am. We're supposed to meet him in my parking lot at 8:30am and from there drive to Vista Verde for 18 holes o golf. I rush upstairs to see why Chambers isn't up. I start calling his name and suddenly the bathroom door opens. He is laying there in his underwear and looks like he's about to pray to the porcelain god. I decided to leave but then got a call from about five mins later and said he was on his way. How he ever went from looking like death to being ready to play golf all day I'll never know. I guess he got it out of his system so to speak.
Golf was pretty good. It was a beautiful day. Todd, Chris Choy, Chambers, and myself all played pretty evenly for the most part.
I was supposed to go to some MNG Omnimax Greece movie in the afternoon. I was kind of wasted from drinking all night then drinking all day on the golf course. But I decided to go. That was a bad decision. I guess I slept through most of the movie and they had to wake me up at the end. The lights were on and everyone there was all pointing and laughing at me. I think I had been slobbering on myself.
Chambers came over on Saturday night. We went and rented this Winning 11 soccer game. It was the shizzle. We played with Brazil and won the World Cup. We had to put our golf gloves on for the last two games because our thumbs were blistering. I think we finished up around 4:30am.
Sunday: Chambers and I meet Chris at Avon Fields to play another 18. Ryan and Chris had the games of their lives. They both easily shot under 100. I shot a 112. Terrible. Absolutely terrible. Now I know how it feels to be the fat kid who sucks at sports. Anyway, Chambers had a pretty good strategy. He was hitting lower clubs but concentrated on keeping the ball straight. He had some really good chips and putts too. I'll kick his butt next time. Yeah right. We did pick up cards for the Player's Club. Apparently you earn points for any golf played at one of the seven Cincinnati Recreation Commission Golf Courses. Reeves is on there. I don't know why those bastards never said anything about this before. Oh well. I'm a playa now so thats all that matters.
My stomach hurts after reading that blog because I was laughing so hard. Great weekend!
Haha, that sounds like a hell of a weekend!
How is that Avon course?
Its not too bad. Its in really good shape. There aren't any Par 5s and the Par 4s are fairly short. No water, just sand. All in all pretty decent.
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