Barry Larkin Bobbleballs Barbie Doll Day

Check out the friggin line for tickets this morning for the Barry Larkin Bobblenuts collectable. I guarantee more than half aren't even going to the game. Bunch of rednecks thinking they are going to make a fortune selling those things on ebay. The thing is you can only buy 10 tickets at a time. So if you sell 10 of them for $20 apiece, you're only making $150. And thats after you go through all the effort of getting them, putting them on ebay and then shipping them. "Hoowee man I'm gonna sell me some of them thar Barry Larkin dolls there man. Gonna buy the old lady somethin real nice. Like a carton of cigarettes or a heart tattoo with our names in it. Or put a down payment on a brand new doublewide. Gonna get me some tonight man."
So anyway, I get up to the ticket counter, one guy ahead of me. Then I hear, "We're all out of the $5 seats." Just my luck. So I had to throw down on the $12 seats. The Reds aren't even worth paying $12 to see. Oh well. Gotta get my stupid ass doll.
Haha, you should trade it in for a double wide and some titties!
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