
Give me an A! Give me a C! Give me an N! Word, I'm just sitting in my hotel in the Chicago suburbs waiting to learn about the Java kernel in the morning. Fucking sweet. I see the bastards from here beat down the Reds again today. If I see them I'll beat some ass. We should've taken them at George Brett's when we had the chance. I wish I was drunk. I'm out.
Please do beat their ass. After one of the games, this jackass called up 700WLW one day and was talking about how much better Chicago is as a city and the people are so much better there. I've never been to Chicago, but I can't imagine its sooo much better. F-ing pricks.
I can't believe you got Fat Tire. Bastard.
ACN for life!
Well, from what I've seen of Chicago, it blows. Last night I drove almost into the city to meet a friend. I felt like I should be packing heat. The areas I was driving through had bars on the windows - car dealerships with 14ft high fences with barbed wire around it so people can't get in. Not a nice area. The area I ended up in was ok, and they had 22oz fat tire bottles, but the traffic sucks (and lots of toll booths) and it's still 3 blocks from the ghetto. As much as I hate even Cincy, I give it two fat thumbs up over Chicago.
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