EA Sports

I got a message over the weekend - Big Country's back in the game. Twins perhaps? Well, I need to hear the story because when I called, it apparently wasn't a good time. Keg stands were about to begin and that's another story I'll have to hear.
Everyone have a good holiday? I went home and drank alot and played some golf. Shot 53. Not good. Not bad. I beat my dad and brother which was the goal I suppose. My grandparents had their 50th wedding anniversary, so there was more beer at the party for that - fried chicken - cake - all the good stuff.
Then it was back up here to Julia's Monday and Tuesday. Monday we went to the Battle Creek hot air balloon / airshow. I don't understand how anyone fucks with the US when we have things like fighter jets. If we sat every terrorist down at an airshow and translated 5 tons and bombs to jihad, then made them watch these jets - well, after they pissed themselves, I don't think we'd have any more problems. These things were amazing, fast and loud as hell. 4 would be flying in formation, then the 5th and 6th ones would come flying low from behind you and scare the shit out of you.
You might think the balloon part sounds a bit lady like, but it was actually pretty cool. They started 3 or 4 miles from the airport and all (about 30) flew into the airport and the goal was to drop a beanbag on the center of a 10 foot X. Considering they basically have no stearing except for moving up and down into the right wind direction and the winner was about 6 inches away from the center, I was damn impressed.
On top of those, we saw the Budweiser Clydesdales and plently of mullets. Rednecks were out in full force.
Grilled out chicken today for the 4th. Mmmmmmmmm BBQ.
Y'all have good weekends?
Beer, fried chicken, Budweiser Clydesdales, golf, and fighter jets. I think you just described Heaven.
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