Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Superbowl Weekend

I'm oncall again this week but I had to make a post. Can I say that work sucks? Well, I did. Weekend was great. Superbowl party = drinking + drinking + more drinking. Also, smoking outside in the freezing cold with wind. Gotta love it. We went to Fantasy football friend's house. My buddy's dad's house is sweet. His basement has a full size bar and a 109 inch TV. The TV was amazing. It was a good night. We (Marvin, Liz (Marv's girlfriend), Jesse, Stacy and I) ended the night playing some pool at Snooker's.


At 8:43 AM, Blogger BigCountry said...

That TV was awesome. He told me it was an Italian made SIMs 2. I'm not sure what that is, but I want it. He said it's the best thing you can get on the market right now.

Another note about this guy. He told me and Chambers one time that he was going to make us rich. So Ryan asked him how and he went on ranting and raving about stuff. I'm still not sure what he said. The only thing that Ryan and I got out of it was "$130/hour". I have no idea how we're supposed to get to that, but apparently once we do we'll be rich.

At 6:26 PM, Blogger TJ said...

hahaha, hell, i want in on that 130 an hour! Ryan, why the hell are you already on call again?

At 9:30 AM, Blogger ROCau said...

I got sucked in.


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