CNN - Dumbfounded

Nice catch Jesse. On this morning, the News Alert read like this: "There are no signs that North Korea is preparing to launch a second long-range Taepodong missile, U.S. officials with access to untelligence reports tell CNN."
Untelligence....I looked it up in the dictionary. It's definitely not a word. But Jesse made a good point earlier. Maybe untelligence is the opposite of intelligence. So basically the government is using "dumb" reports to figure out if there is going to be nuclear warhead launched at the US in the near future. That's always good to know.
Another theory is that the government is actually trying to make us dumber. It kind of makes sense. If they make us more stupid, then we will not stand up for things that are wrong. How would we even know they are wrong if we are not smart enough to know. You might think I am crazy but I think I am on to something.
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