Thursday, January 03, 2008


Here is a way that you all can find free songs (mp3's) to download using Google. Just put the following search into Google:

-inurl:(htmhtmlphp) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wmamp3) "Soulja Boy"

All you need to change is the last thing that is in " ". Just put the group/singer that you are looking for or the name of the song. Songs are a little harder to find. The site below is where I found out about this:

I found the following web site below which has a ton of songs to download:

All you have to do is go the folder of the group you want and then Right click on song - Save Target As. Each song only takes about 30 seconds - 1 min to download.


At 6:44 PM, Blogger BigCountry said...

Dude, you are going to go to jail. That is pretty cool though. I haven't tried it yet.


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