Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Summer Bash 2007

Summer Bash 2007 was on 8/11/2007 at the Chambers Place. Highlights of the night:

1) Todd pouring cold water all over Jesse's head. I had totally forgot about that until someone reminded me the other day.
2) Jesse and Ryan dominating Beer Pong. We even took down Big Marv. I think we won 5 in a row.
3) Todd brought Ladderball or Hillbilly golf or whatever you call it. http://www.ladderball.org/
4) Nightime Cornhole and Flip cup
5) Jesse and Ryan attempted to put up a tent. Luckily Marvin was there.
6) Much much drinking until around 5am or so.
7) Waking up and having eggs, bacon, OJ. I actually passed on Eggs and Bacon.....stomach wasn't filling so hot.

All and all a great party. Pics are here:


At 7:11 PM, Blogger TJ said...

Looks like you drunk bastards had a good time!

At 2:49 PM, Blogger BigCountry said...

Yep. A Chambers's party is always a good time. I didn't get too wasted, and that was actually a good thing, but that's a different story...


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