Saturday, January 19, 2008

Beer and Toilet Paper

I had to do some cleaning tonight, and I decided I wasn't going to get motivated until I got me some beer. And I had to pick up some tp anyway, so I went up the street to Kroger. I got a giant bale of Quilted Northern (which I gotta think is soft...I mean its friggin quilted), and a case of Bud Light. I thought about buying something else because I thought it was a weird combo by itself. But I didn't really need anything else. So, I go to the do it yourself line so I can try to avoid any uncomfortable situation. But it didn't work out so well. The girl had to check my ID and she said, "Beer and toilet paper, huh? So you can just drink beer while you're sitting on the toilet." And I came right back at her, "Yep, it's going to be a good night for me." What the hell else do you say there?

Btw - I started drinking beer, and it actually unmotivated me. Go figure.


At 3:18 AM, Blogger TJ said...

Hahaha! Man, you know how to work the ladies!

At 8:42 AM, Blogger ROCau said...

LOL......So was the Kroger worker hot or not? I'm guessing no. Smooth moves. That is pretty funny. How are you supposed to respond to that anyways?


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