Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hanging out with George Brett and the ChiSox

Only a short four years ago, TJ and I took a trip to Kansas City to visit the IBC client site. We ended up one evening at a restaurant called George Brett's. We joked around with the waitress asking if Brett was there, and she said the Chicago White Sox had just left a few hours earlier. So after a few Fat Tires, we decided we would tell the rest of the project that we partied with George Brett and the Big Hurt. I believe the next night is what would later be termed Teddy Bear-gate. Those were good times. News out of K.C....

Brett pulls out of K.C. restaurant
Posted: Tuesday January 29, 2008 09:38AM ET
When George Brett got into the restaurant business four years ago, he envisioned his place to be the Kansas City version of "Cheers." But it never quite worked out that way, and now "George Brett's" at 210 W. 47th St. on the Plaza is giving way to a new restaurant called "210." And the new place will go on with the original investors, except for Brett, who is pulling out. "I don' have any regrets,"Brett said. "I've essentially lived in Kansas City since 1974 and never really invested in anything here except houses. I wanted to try investing in something like a restaurant, a place I could hang out at, too."
Kansas City Star


At 7:35 PM, Blogger TJ said...

Haha, that was a hell of a weekend! Oh, and that reminds me, I read a couple days ago IBC is coming out of bankruptcy.

At 4:11 PM, Blogger -im addicted to physicals said...

Big Brother Is Watching You....but im going through you underwear drawer.


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